Man's Best Friend

(click to enlarge)
Rhymes with Orange by Hilary Price


  1. Thanks for the chuckle this morning!!!

  2. Don't forget the "room service" kitty. Your house has 24/7 room service. LOL

    Cute comic.

  3. Well, that IS true, but our Chloe has all of those things too. Except we only have 1 couch and 3 beds! :-) . Thanks for the laugh this morning.

  4. I wish my silly outside kitties would get it through their heads that it is much better in than out.

  5. Haha! I can see every cat nodding in agreement!

  6. The cat has a point but people shouldn't be leaving their dogs outside, even in their own house, during the heat of summer nor the cold of winter. And, honestly, dogs are pack animals and their humans are part of their pack. Ok, I'm getting off my soap box now!

  7. Ha! Cats are superior in attitude and standing in my book!

  8. Im watching Westminster. I love the AKC dog show. I used to think I wanted to go one day, but it came to Chicago about a month after the big one, and it was so busy, maybe I had enough!


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