Be Yourself

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  1. Funny! Here it's just the opposite. I am allergic to cats to they always seem to be wondering why I pet the dog and not them.

  2. So funny! My daughter's big golden has aspirations of being a lap dog. He tries to creep up one paw at a time. He jealous of the little dog curled up in laps.

  3. Poor Roscoe. Mom's lab Jem thinks she's a lap dog. In fact, every lab I've ever known has always thought they were a lap dog!

  4. Oh yea... but Roscoe has a point! I miss our dog/s but it's so much easier without them especially when we travel.

  5. Ha! I might be...the feel of a dog's fur isn't as soft as a cat,,
    the dog weighs more than the cat, the dog needs you to take him out to relieve himself. my top three deterrents for a dog as a pet!

  6. Oh poor Roscoe. I feel for him. He just wants to be loved. Mandy's dog Polly was a 100 lb. lab who was just sure she was a lap dog. Of course I always let her on my lap.

  7. That is so funny! I love Pickles. I frequently tell Bill, "You remind me of Earl." And, I'm sure that Max felt like Roscoe before we did away with his crate. Thanks for the laugh Nancy. I needed it today.

  8. Poor dog, he tried hard but it just didn't come out right!

  9. You made me laugh!!!! Thanks Nancy. I LOVE a good cartoon

  10. ‘Be Yourself’ is a serious thought, indeed! Nancy, I loved the way you depicted the concept of self-belief so hilariously. Yes, we are busy competing with others only to become like them or be better than them. This comic strip is a beautiful revelation of how self-love and self-belief are essential.


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