Gill Street - part IV

Gill Street mural - eastern section
Laramie, WY 

Don't you love the grumpy fish! He's at the tail end of the mural; perhaps that's why he is so cranky.


  1. Whoever painted this has quite an imagination!

  2. I love those angry clouds!!

  3. I love the one that looks like crewel work. What a beautiful and amazing mural. And HUGE!!!

  4. I like Mr. Grumpy. He looks hungry. :)

  5. Nancy, Thank you SO much for sharing this mural with us. The artistry is amazing. I can't even imagine the imaginations that the people who painted this have. I can't even pick out a favorite among today's choices. The puzzle, the crewel, the grumpy. Oh my!

  6. Wonder what Mr. Grumpy is mad about?

  7. I like the one that is white lines-I couldn't tell if it was lace or like a wire component! And I like the puzzle pieces one!
    What an incredible mural!!!

  8. What a great mural! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  9. The whole thing is incredible. The colors, the LIFE of it! Thanks Nancy

  10. More amazing murals. I'm gobsmacked.

  11. Repeat what Katherine said. These all are so creative. I’m wondering how I can use these (or any one of them) to inspire my own creativity for a quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  12. What an incredible mural. I loved going to Laramie and checking out the quilt shops while my husband visited the train yard. At the time we lived in Steamboat Springs and made about a monthly permitting. I look forward to your blog posts

  13. Every kind of fish possible! The puzzle fish is great! What a work of art!!

  14. That is absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I've missed visiting you here! I went back and read from when I became absent from blogland lol. I love all these painted fish on Gill Street! Such creative artwork! I especially liked the pronhorn sheep fish – he looked like he was protecting that trash dumpster. Ha! ALL of the fish are great! // And looking at the quilts, wow!! I'venot done any quilting in a while. i may have to start something during the upcoming winter months. I'm not a pro by any means, nor very good at quilting, but it's fun to do! Blessings to you, my friend! ♥

  16. I had to come back to this post and look at these fish again. You left the best for last. OMG These are just amazing and beautiful.


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