At My Fingertips

hourglass blocks ready to sew
September 2019
I have another QOV in the works: this one uses hourglass blocks.

Several years ago, I cut several 16 inch squares of poster board and use them in my sewing room to organize blocks by my sewing machine. For the current project, four of the squares are holding ten blocks each, making the components handy to grab and stitch together. Time spent organizing certainly makes it easier and faster to assemble quilt blocks.


  1. I have a couple of "project boards" and they really are great for organizing the pieces of blocks as I prep them for sewing. I really like the fabrics you have here and can't wait to see what it becomes.

  2. I like to stack up components for several blocks at a time, too.
    Looking forward to this one in hourglasses...nice to see you on a roll!

  3. Not being a quilter, I think I am But, looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  4. I wish I could be so organized!

  5. The poster board is a great idea. I think organization is key in any crafty endeavor. I like knowing where everything is and that I can go right to it.

  6. Your devotion to the cause and you generous donations to Vets and families are very much appreciated by me Nancy. . You are wonderful

  7. I was looking at the foam core poster boards thinking about getting one. Just to even make a place to carry one block to the sewing machine. It would have come in handy when my daughter and I were making a bunch of different blocks using half square triangles.It would really come in handy sometimes.

  8. As always looking forward to see your progress on this quilt.


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