Vintage Quilt - Strings

Mom's String Blocks
circa 1940 - 50
I remember Mom working on these string blocks when I was probably 6 or 7 years old, maybe younger. Mom sewed the fabric strings on newspaper blocks, and to keep me out of her hair occupied, my job was to tear the paper off of the finished blocks.

After Mom died in 1989, her projects (many unfinished) were divided between my two brothers, two sisters, and me. The string quilt top became Marilyn's: she had it machine quilted and proudly displays it in her home.  

Mom's string quilt tells a story of using what's available to make something useful and attractive.

Mom's String Quilt
April 2017
It's fair to say that my sisters and I came to love quilting through our mom's example.

Did your Mom teach you how to do one of your hobbies?


  1. Beautiful quilt plus it's tied to good memories. Do you look at that quilt and see clothes that some of you wore or remember your mother wearing?

  2. That is a beautiful quilt. I had never heard of string quilting before. It looks like a wonderful way to use scraps and is also somewhat of an optical illusion isn't it? What wonderful memories you have.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Our Morher sewed but mainly out of necessity, not because she had a passion for it. However she did teach us to hand sew paper pieced hexagons. I think that was the seed that lead to me being a quilter today.

  4. Oh that is a great thing to learn from you mom. I learned to be nervous from my mom. But oh I adore her. IT s amazing what she accomplished in life without any medications and constant anxiety. Oh you meant crafts!!! Cooking is a craft. She taught me to cook roasts to perfection.

  5. You Mom's work is simply beautiful! Her eye for color was amazing.

    My Mom did not teach me how to craft, but my sister's Godmother taught me to knit and my Mom's mom taught me how to stitch --- stamped cross stitch, at the time. Later I taught myself to do counted cross stitch.

    My "Aunt" Shirley had no idea the knitting addict she created. LOL

  6. Oh this is a beautiful quilt. How wonderful that your Mom made it. My Mom taught me to hand sew...I had to make a dress by hand before she would buy a sewing machine! And embroidery, knitting, bread making and cooking. Oh and fishing for trout (and how to kill them quickly when you caught them. I did not like that part - lol).

  7. My Mother taught me to knit, and while not prolific, I do like to knit from time to time. But I'm the only quilter in the family - wonder where I got my quilting genes from? Both my Granny's passed away before I knew them, so I don't really know if there was quilting in their lives or not - certainly never mentioned.

  8. My mom taught me to sew all my own clothes, and also to quilt. To can, to freeze, garden, keep house, many things!!! I miss her!!

  9. What a striking quilt! I learned quilting from my Gram and my Mom-most of the women on my Mom's side of the family quilt!
    What an awesome heritage!

  10. Your mom's quilt is beautiful and such a heartwarming story! My precious mom tried so hard to teach me to embroider. She embroidered pillowcases, sheets, my underwear--everything she could think of. Sadly it never rubbed off on me. I learned how but when I watched her best friend Stella knit I was hooked and had to do it.

  11. My Mom taught me to embroider, my Aunt Marie taught me to knit in exchange for some babysitting...she was a good teacher. A friend taught me to crochet in 1980:)


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