
Parker, CO
February 2017
My niece Brenda often snaps photos of ponderables (here, here) while on her morning walk, but this one is clearly the strangest sight I've ever seen.

The house is not new and is currently occupied. I can't think of any reason why someone would mount a downspout that is clearly not connected to the gutter.  Can you?


  1. Boy, that sure is weird! No clue what anyone was thinking when they put that up.

  2. So strange as well as the other two you showed us.

  3. That is hilarious! Do you suppose it was done just to make people stop and wonder?

  4. Fireman could only wonder if they are using it as an exhaust vent? would need to see the bottom of it. ???

  5. That is truly odd. Maybe there was bigger plan that was abandoned?

  6. Looks like someone didn't finish the job. ?

  7. Someone obviously didn't know what they were doing, or, did it on purpose to stump other people. Crazy.

  8. Imagine me with dog ears: One ear up, one ear down, head cocked to the side. I don't get it?!?

  9. The installer learned modern math in school? The installer is a fan of "alternate facts" and therefore this downspout is alternately FINE!

  10. It could be the pipe from a radon mitigation system. They need to clear the roof line.

  11. Maybe they want the neighbors to go crazy wondering WHY?!?!!???
    :) LOL

  12. I agree with a previous comment, it's probably a radon mitigation system. We have one on the back side of our house here in Ohio in a similar style, only bigger around. I had never seen or even heard of radon until we looked at this house. We moved from Idaho from with higher levels of radon than we have here. It occurs naturally in the earth so it's everywhere.


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