
Perspective and attitude play huge roles in our daily lives. In the photo above, some may see beauty; others, litter. By perceiving only the negative in our surroundings and life, we push aside the beauty in the ordinary: we push aside the joy in simple things.

By embracing an attitude of gratitude, we soon notice more and more positive things around us, and the negative things and thoughts recede into the blackness from which they crawl and hide.

Our attitude plays a huge role on our health, longevity, and quality of life. Don't believe me? Check out this article from the Mayo Clinic or this article on the Benefits of Positive Thinking.

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"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than the facts.

It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company. . .a church. . .a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our pasts, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. 

I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you -- we are in charge of our attitudes." ~ Charles Swindoll

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What's your perspective of positive thinking and a positive attitude?


  1. Well said. I try not to be negative and see the positive side to each situation. Sometimes it's hard but worth the mental effort in the end. The pine cones couldn't be anything but beautiful!

  2. I can remember the day I learned it was a choice...and what a difference that has made in my life:)

  3. I agree. Also, people with positive attitudes are more enjoyable to be around.

  4. I think the picture is beautiful. It is a struggle some days to not be negative, but I always think of persistently negative people as "toxic" and they enjoy dragging everyone else down with them. Positive people are a lot more enjoyable to be around. I want to be one of the positive ones.

  5. Oh Nancy, you always get right to the heart of things!! Over the last few weeks I've learned how attitude makes such a difference. I've always been one to look for the best way to handle things, however, my attitude while I am searching is not always as positive as I would like. That has turned around for me during my husband's recent health issues because such things have to be handled with love and patience. I am thankful every day that I have found the positives in what I have been calling "our whirlwind time." Thanks for a great post!!

  6. #1 . . . pine cones are NEVER litter. LOL I have a secret love affair with pine cones. I find them fascinating.

    #2 . . . I notice as I get older that it is much easier to carry an "attitude of gratitude". Simple things make me much happier and I think I notice little things more and enjoy them.

  7. This is absolutely gospel truth...I see this in patients all the time...attitude is HEALING too!! Thank you for sharing this.

  8. I think attitude is very very important Nancy. I wonder if they think a positive attitude is more learned or genetic. ?? I would not be surprised to hear genes are involved. Not that you cannot alter your predisposition. Animals seem to have very positive attitudes!

  9. Great post, Nancy. I, too, love pine cones. Without them there'd be no trees! I try to be grateful for each and every day.

  10. I think the best attitude is shaped by gratitude ... by striving to see others as God sees them...and to reflect Diving Love the best we know how. I agree that the only thing we can change is our perspective, so it certainly benefits us to see things from a more grateful, forgiving, loving, spiritual perspective. Yes, it heals! But it sure takes a lot of practice, doesn't it?

  11. Got to be positive, I am a cup half full person.


  12. I think you're right. I have a friend who keeps a gratitude journal. She said it has made a big difference in her attitude because the two go hand in hand. I've thought of trying it. I don't like being around negative, grouchy people, and I've tried being positive so I can be the kind of person I'd like to be around.

  13. What a great post! I'm a firm believer of staying positive, and even sometime putting on a brave face. Not everyone cares, and not everyone means it when they ask, "How are you?" so I try to put on a smile and find the positive day after day.

  14. I think you feel the way you think. I try to find something good in everything. It's not always easy to do but i try.
    I love the pine cone picture as well. I smiled because i could see a picture of a squirrel eating the pine cone.

  15. I found that if I have a crummy attitude and say, "This day is going to suck!", it's a self-fulfilling prophesy.


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