Vintage Knitting - update

Vintage Doily
size 1 needles - #20 cotton thread
11.5 inches in diameter
Since the county fair deadline is fast approaching, I picked up my needles and managed to finish the doily in two late night knitting sessions.

I used this pattern and was pleased with the how it turned out. My edging is not as distinct as the one online, but that may be the way that I blocked it.

This doily will be in the Fremont County Fiber Guild display at the fair. Details can be found on this earlier post.

Want to try a knit doily? I recommend this pattern - easy to follow and fun to knit. Intimidated by thin thread and tiny needles? Knit the pattern with cotton for a round dishcloth.


  1. That's very pretty! I have never tried knitting doilies although I do enjoy crocheting them. Some day I will give it a try. I hope you win!

  2. You can proudly enter this project in the county fair. Beautiful work!

  3. Such a pretty doily! Good luck at the fair!

  4. Looks like a winner to me...Great job!

  5. You know, I might have to try out this pattern, since you said it was easy to follow and a quick I have some linen yarn left over from other projects. This might be a way to use it up.

    Your doily is really beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing it at the FAIR.

  6. KNIT!! At first I thought the doily was crocheted and finally I got it! I would knit a doily/dish cloth! I don't crochet because it hurts my hands but I am not put off by knitting with tiny thread and tiny needles. Great idea for a unique knit Nancy!

  7. It's beautiful!!! So impressed!! Can't wait to see how you do at the fair!!


  8. It is beautiful. Just wonderful. So beautiful.

    I want you to win a big blue ribbon

  9. Amazing! That one looks like a sure thing for a blue ribbon to me. I just read that antimacassars (doilies) were used to prevent soiling of furniture from oily hair at a time when men used Macassar hair oil....had always wondered about that!

  10. Just gorgeous! Doily knitting is on my "to do" list------but then again, so are a lot of other things (like getting busy on the online tatting class I bought around the first of the year)---how did it get to be July already?

  11. I'm impressed!! I have too many doilies from my grandmothers, but it does look like a challenging knit...


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