
The last Oddball blanket for 2010 is appropriately called, Confetti. Each section is knit with flecked yarns. When I signed up for this blanket, I did not realize how difficult it would be to find a flecked yarn in my area. I found a lot of tweed yarns in dark colors, but nothing that would be appropriate for a baby blanket.

I settled for white with multi-colored flecks, but I had hoped to find a blue so the blanket would look more complete. The blanket was knit on size 9 needles, and my stitch is Checks and Ridges.

Update: January 8, 2011


  1. What a great idea for a baby blanket! stripes. I usually make granny squares for donation blankets

  2. Beautiful! The colors are so relaxing to me.
    Also, I love the scarf you made for yourself. Very pretty color! Happy New Year!

  3. I like the way the flecks add "texture" to the fabric.

  4. Love the blanket with the flecked yarn!

  5. Like you Nancy I had a hard time finding something for the boarder patrol when I edged it still wanting to stay with the theme Confetti.


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