Accuracy Is Not Overrated

I am making progress on my summer goal, but I am having to make some unexpected and sometimes major alterations in the pattern. I am sure that I stopped working on this piece several years ago because my count was off and I got frustrated. I'm still frustrated, but I have more time to try and make it work.

At least the alterations are not glaring, but I worked hard to make sure the angel's face and hand were not too morphed. Since the angel is made with half-stitches, the work went fairly quickly.

Now, I need to stitch the holly and the back-stitching (a part I detest, but it always makes the piece look polished) and add the seed-bead embellishments.

My errors from the past will continue to cause problems, but now they seem more manageable.


  1. I think that's why I always went back and ripped out my mistakes in cross-stitch. I never liked doing it, but it saved me headaches later. Looks like you've gotten though the worst of it though. And, the angel looks just right. No one will ever be able to tell you had trouble with it.

  2. Your statements sound like more than stitchery. They sound like life. Do you remember being told that telling one lie forces you to tell more. The error just compounds. I have some goals this summer, but they are mostly home improvement/maintenance. Next is to paint the kitchen cabinets, but I can't decide on a color and I only want to do it once.

  3. It is looking beautiful, Nancy! I began with cross-stitching, but never had enough patience for anything major like this.

  4. That is exactly what happens to me...get off but the difference is I don't know how to fix it and ripping it all out leaves you short of thread for the project....Yours looks great!

  5. Looks like you are doing a great job and I know you will be proud of it when you finish. Have a great 4th! Sarita


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