Answering the Call

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the military, and I simply melt at the sight of a man in a crisp dress uniform. So answering the call to knit for the troops was an easy decision.

I read an article in the Winter 2008/2009 issue of knitsimple about Operation Helmetliner.

When I checked out the pattern, I knew that it was something that I could knit without any trouble.

I used wool reclaimed from a thrift shop sweater. After I washed the wool last summer, I labeled it Silver Birchwood because the color is so intriguing. I think it makes a perfect helmet liner and neck gator.

I have three more skeins of this yarn, and I plan to use all of it for this project.

Earlier this week the Wyoming National Guard deployed nearly 800 guardsmen for duty overseas. The gators and helmet liners will be knit in their honor.

If you have appropriate wool (color, weight, and yardage), please consider making at least one item for this cause.


  1. great recycling! I can knit, a little, but don't think I could do something like this.

  2. As always..I am impressed Nancy..You are so talented and giving ...Have a great weekend.

  3. Wonderful idea for the troops!
    Looks really good.

  4. That's been on my to-do list for a really long time. Thanks for the reminder, Nancy.

    Those look great, by the way!


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