
June 2022

“Kunterbunt” #565 is the name of the colorway on the Trekking XXL label. Curious, I typed the word in a German translator: it means “jumble,” “motley,” “varied,” or “multicolored” — all fit the yarn well. As I knit on the socks, the colors and striping became more appealing to me. Matching the socks took just a bit maneuvering to find the correct color change for the cast on edge. 

This pair will be a gift. 


  1. A fun name and such beautiful yarn. I love those rich colors!

  2. Such a perfect name for that yarn. The socks look great. I can't get the photo big enough to count stitches. :-) What did you do for the leg? K3, P1 ??? I would like to try it for my next pair.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Aren't they handsome! And I love to find a new word-thanks!

  4. I think I like multicoloured better than motly! The socks turned out very nice, but then, yours always do.

  5. Good looking pair of socks. Someone is getting a great gift. Nice idea of figuring out what the name meant.

  6. I hate trying to match yarn like that but when you get it right it's spectacular. Well done!


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