Hop To It!

Brenda and Marilyn
Prairie Museum of Art and History
Colby, KS
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a post about playing Jacks at recess, and several readers also remembered playing the game with their friends. Another game that I played often as a child, both at school with friends and at home by myself was Hopscotch. 

The diagram painted on the sidewalk leading to the prairie school at the museum in Kansas was quite different to the one that my friends and I played. The diagram we used was like the one below, but with much larger blocks. 

Our diagram was not painted on the sidewalk: we drew it in the dirt with a stick. We didn't number the boxes because everyone knew the sequence. 

I remember have some favorite stones for playing hopscotch. The perfect stone was flat and about the size of a fifty cent piece. Anything bigger would probably not reach the upper blocks. 

We would practically fly through the boxes after we picked up our stones, turned, and hopped back to the start. 

Do you remember playing hopscotch? Have you played it within the last ten years?


  1. I loved playing hopscotch too. At the school I taught at we had the pattern painted on the blacktop for the kids along with 4 square boxes. I think us teachers played more than the kids.

  2. I know I must have played it but no strong memories of it. It seems to me I came across a set of boxes in the last 10 years and I made an effort to hop them but eh… I wasn’t very good at it. I’m impressed how much you remember about it.

  3. I played a lot of hopscotch as a kid. We usually used chalk on the sidewalk or someone's driveway. And sometimes we made up our own more complicated pattern for fun.

  4. I love the videos they post of random people playing it on the sidewalk in cities.

  5. Child in the '80s and we definitely played hopscotch...It was painted on our playground at school, and I'd make my own in the driveway at home with a stick (sand/gravel driveway)... maybe I'll put one in the garden one day! That would be fun

  6. Oh, yes, it was a wonderful time! We played with the dome on top, too, and drew it on our driveway with chalk.

  7. No hopscotch for me lately, but I did find some old jacks and took them to our grand daughter, but she didn't seem very interested. Did you ever do double Dutch jump rope?

  8. I had forgotten! Yes! I played hopscotch at school and at home. We always had one made with chalk in our driveway and the neighbor kids came and played too. Ours was like the one you played on. I haven't played for years. Now I need to find one and try it. :-) I also played jump rope constantly. I rarely see kids jumping rope or playing hopscotch.

  9. Our across the street children frequently draw a chalk hopscotch on the sidewalk - I always try to do it, although they make the squares very small and irregular (always a critic!). Jacks were great fun too - stepping on one in bare feet not so much. We also jumped rope (only girls though - the other two were done by both genders). Now my subconscious will be coming up with jumprope rhymes all night!


  10. Yes we played it all the time! Ours has 10 numbers also and was drawn with a stick:) I drew them at the museum for children:)


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