Early Progress

sneak peek at QOV #214
January 2022

Project bag #3 (selected for January) contained four, printed flag blocks that I framed to bring them to 12 inches when finished. The pattern I chose (Hedgehog on the Run by Judy Hansen) to highlight the flags uses big pieces and might be finished by the end of the week unless life gets in the way. 


  1. This looks interesting so I look forward to seeing how these go together. You always have good ideas for layouts. I pulled out a QOV kit hiding in my stash and put it where I will be likely to choose it as a new project soon. It has a panel, so hopefully it will go fairly quickly.

  2. Go, go, go! Do you have a back up plan if you go through all your bags by, say, June?

  3. The f1ag is so unique to me. Way to go Nancy. I'm watching finches data more than their weight in food during this freezing snap.!

  4. Nice! Life does have a tendency to get in the way at the worst times. I need to get back into my normal rhythm after all of last week's drama but I'm struggling. I'm still in hide under the covers mode.

  5. Great start to your quilting year Nancy! Very nice design and I like the fabrics - particularly the darker ones top and bottom center.

  6. You have endless ideas for this simple color combination. I am always so impressed!

  7. I really like that square and it's an interesting flag too. Thank you so much for your suggestion for Opal yarn. I should have known that one of you lovely ladies would know where I could find it here. I really appreciate it!

  8. Awesome! Someone will really love that beauty!

  9. We knew you would work your magic on these blocks!


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