Adding Color to My World

January 2022

During the first months of the pandemic, I craved color and ordered the most colorful sock yarn that I could find online. This skein of Trekking XXL was one of the skeins I added to my stash. I didn’t know if the colors would pool or stripe, but I’m happy the brightly colored yarn is striping in such a fun sequence. 


  1. That yarn is SO colorful - FUN!! And Trekking is nice sock yarn too - wears so well.

  2. Love it ! Colourful socks are perfect for this time of year.

  3. I know what you mean about craving color! Beautiful yarn!

  4. Just beautiful and one of those sock yarns that keep you knitting 'just one more round'!

  5. Those are so neat! Love the colors. I'm the same way with my West Yorkshire Spinners yarn. I got the leg finished yestereday but went to bed before I started the heel. It' s no good to try to turn the heel when your eyes keep closing.

  6. Those are some fun colors!

  7. Another pair of fun socks on the go! Do you make them for yourself, or gift some of them?

  8. OHHHH I love those!!... Happy Socks:)

  9. What fun it is to 1ook at those socks. I hope you are keeping them

  10. That is gorgeous yarn. I’d love to get some fun, colorful yarn. But I’m making an effort to knit up some of my yarn rather than buy new. I’m successful with yarn but not fabric! 😿😿

  11. When I think back of yarns available when I started to crochet in 1970, I am amazed by today's variety. It is making a nice pattern on your socks.


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