PSA - Disposable Masks

discarded mask
November 2021

More and more disposable masks are carelessly being discarded in parking lots, in the street, beside chairs in waiting rooms — literally they are EVERYWHERE! This week I discovered one under the hedge by my front door: the wind had blown it there from somewhere.

I realize some people are angry that masks are required in many businesses, but tossing the unwanted masks anywhere but a trash can is rude and unsanitary.

Today’s Public Service Announcement: please toss used masks in a trash can or wear reusable masks that can be washed. 

Is this a problem in your community? 


  1. I agree. I see them everywhere! Mostly in parking lots. And, if a child drops one, the adult with them should pick it up and dispose of it properly.

  2. Yes, we see them all over parking lots where they stick to the wet pavement!

  3. Yes I see them in parking lots. Some people just don't know where trash cans are:(

  4. Oh yeah. We see them in parking lots EVERYWHERE.

  5. What is wrong with people? They probably had just walked by a trash can outside whatever building they exited, and then threw those away somewhere on the way to their car. Lazy or angry!

    I haven't noticed masks abandoned around here - but that may reflect the fact that VERY FEW people are actually wearing them anymore here. And of course our numbers are increasing again. My respiratory therapist daughter told me yesterday that nearly all of the people in her hospital with Covid are younger (20s to 40s), unvaccinated, and indicate they haven't been wearing a mask.

  6. Yep. They are all over the place here too. It's sad. I can't imagine how many have washed into the bay where they will be a hazard for wild life.

  7. I would also like to add: Please cut the strings - even when you put them in the garbage. Birds and other critters will pick them up and get tangled in them.

  8. I'm seeing them everywhere too! It makes me so angry!

  9. I agree with everyone here. Yes there are masks littering all sorts of places. I’ve worn mostly cloth masks. But a friend gave me some paper masks that she says she reuses by washing by hand or in the machine. I don’t wear it often but it can be washed.

  10. I have certain1y noticed the masks as garbage. My daughter makes it a point to pick up garbage in an area of her town. I may have to go out with my wa1king stick to stab these masks and put them into true garbage cans.

  11. Yes, lots of masks laying around. At first I thought maybe they had been dropped by accident or fallen out of car doors but there are so many that now I really do thing they are purposely being dropped. It's sad that people don't care more.


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