Time to Fess Up . . .

I'll admit that I talk to myself, but seldom in public. At least, I don't think that I do.

With many people wearing ear buds, it's sometimes difficult to tell if they are talking on the phone or merely to themselves. 

Do you talk to yourself?


  1. I do...and Fletch will often ask "what did you say" and I reply - "don't worry about it, I was talking to myself."

  2. I talk to myself frequently, especially now that there isn't a cat to talk to.

  3. I do, but I pretend I'm talking to the cats!

  4. Sometimes I even argue. Maybe that's just the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.😉

  5. I don't think I do, but I sure talk to Chloe a LOT.

  6. I talk to my...cats! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  7. I can't tell you how many times I answer people who are talking on their blue-tooth! lol
    As for talking to myself--I sure do! I listen well to myself!

  8. Not out loud but I am constantly running a dialogue in my head that I wish I could shut up. I do talk to my cats and my dog all the time. I sure miss my dear departed parrot because at least she would answer me back.

  9. Oh yes I most certainly do. Although I also talk to the cats so I feel like someone is listening.

  10. We both talk to our cats! Sometimes I make a comment to myself when I mess up on a pattern.....

  11. I just read an article that stated, "Intelligent people talk out loud while working on projects." I never talk to myself. Hmmmm.

  12. At least I also listen to myself! I talk about my projects when I'm working on something...but then I find I also talk when other people are around trying to concentrate on their projects. OOOPS!


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