Wyoming Didn't Get the Memo . . .

high temperature on the 1st day of Summer
June 21, 2019
Laramie, WY
Wyoming has been downright chilly, rainy and snowy in some areas the last few days. Even though the calendar shows it's clearly summer, I'm still wearing sweaters and wool socks.

When I got home from church yesterday, the thermometer revealed it was 37 degrees. Hot tea and steaming soup took the chill off, and I settled in to do some knitting. Hopefully, warmer temperatures will arrive soon.


  1. Still!!??!! So sorry it has not yet warmed up for you.

  2. Sending off an email right now to tell Wyoming to GET WITH THE PROGRAM.

    Hope your warm temps arrive soon.

  3. Yes chilly here too. Stay warm...I suppose when the weather breaks it will be really hot! :)

  4. Brrr! Wyoming needs to look at the calendar!

  5. OK, I'll stop complaining about rain and highs in the 60s.
    Snow? Really? That is unfair.

  6. We had a couple of ladies from Thermopolis WY on our guild bus trip this weekend and they were talking about the weather that was happening back home. Snow in June just isn't right.

  7. And as you send that weather east it gives us a more temperate 75 degrees or so and we are so happy. 88 with high humidity is no fun. I've found out what my problem was with not being able to comment. Now I'll be back yacking with my friends.

  8. Here too! Right now I'm sitting in the camper with the furnace running. I think it's 48! What's with this? I do prefer cooler to hot, hot, hot, but this is a bit over the top!

  9. Brrr! I thought it was unseasonably cool here in Utah, where it was in the 60's over the weekend, but Wyoming definitely has us beat. Is is warming up this week? It is here.

  10. A cold summer isn't much fun, hope the weather warms up for you soon.

  11. You know, I did notice that there was still snow and cold temps going on in a few states and thought it odd with June already going into its fourth week. Wow. And here in Kansas we've been dealing heat and humidity and floods. Where is that in-between weather!! Geesh. Here's hoping you get a few degrees added to that thermometer real soon! Hugs and blessings to you! ♥

  12. That is an abysmal 'summer' temperature! Hope it warms up soon and then your gardens will catch-up quickly!


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