Choose a Line . . .

Make it a challenge to step into the other line for a bit each day. 


  1. What an awful truth! My sis works in a position that hears this all the time-the people who are satisfied, never take the time to say, "Thanks for the great job you did helping me!"

  2. So true. Whenever I quote online reviews my son always reminds me who actually responds to things like that.

  3. Sad, but true.

    Let's all take a step to the right and get into that gratitude line.

    I'm grateful for our friendship and that I have so many great bloggy friends.

  4. Oh, this is sadly true. I try very hard to always be pleasant, and try to find something good. I also try to call people who help me, wait on our table, etc., by name if they have a nametag or have told us their name when first meeting. That always seems to be appreciated and they always seem surprised someone actually noticed.

  5. Well said! what we see the most is what we dwell on!

  6. Too true. We all have so much to be grateful for.

  7. Aww. That's very important . A good cartoon

  8. I just love this cartoon. It's funny -- but very serious, too. I've been working on that gratitude thing. I try to remind myself of how many people don't even have a flush toilet!


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