Slow Progress

stack of Ritzy Cracker quilt blocks
June 2019
Other than trimming and squaring the stack of quilt blocks, I haven't made any other quilting progress in the past week.

I took a hard fall on June 12th when I stumbled on an uplifted section of sidewalk and did a face plant. Thankfully, I didn't break any bones, but managed to bruise my sternum and a couple of ribs. My glasses were quickly straightened and the scrapes are healing. An acupuncture treatment helped reduce the rib pain and swelling which significantly improved my flexibility; thus, I'm moving a bit faster than I was last week at this time.

Thanks to those who checked up on me. I appreciate your thoughts and emails.


  1. So glad you are healing Nancy. Speaking from experience, those sidewalks are NASTY.

  2. Oh yikes ...........not fun at all.

    Hope you heal up quickly.

    Vera and I can both sympathize, having done MY face plant in February.

    Take care of yourself.

  3. Ouch! My Mom did something similar but she broke her knee. I'm glad you didn't break anything and are on the road to full recovery!

  4. I am so sorry to hear that. I bruised my sternum in a car accident years ago and it was miserable. So painful. I hope you are on the mend soon. I know my injury kept me from bending forward so it was hard to do any crafty things for a long time.

  5. Oh no, so sorry to hear this. I have fallen a few times myself and it is no laughing matter. Glad no broken bones and you are healing...take care of yourself.

  6. Falls can be much more serious than we expect. Glad you have no broken bones, but the bruises and soreness will take some time. Take care!!

  7. Oh, my! I'm so sorry! I must've missed the whole ordeal!
    We don't bounce like we used to , do we?! Slow work is welcomed when you are recuperating!

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry Nancy. I thought you were just busy with summer plans and all. I did a face plant a few years ago and it was NO fun at all. The doctor picked gravel out of my cheeks and forehead for several hours. I try now to concentrate on lifting my feet with each step.
    I hope you are soon completely back to good health my friend.

  9. You KNOW that we commiserate! Ribs ouch! So So sorry. Hope you feel better very very soon!

  10. Oh my! So glad that you are doing much better now! I seem to be prone to hip plants, one of my DIL's dogs has knocked me off my feet a couple or so times when I wasn't prepared. I can't imagine planting your face on the concrete! Wowie ouchie! Prayers for continued healing and health! Blessings! ♥

  11. Oh my! I am so sorry that you've been suffering from a fall. I have never bruised my ribs, but I understand that it is incredibly painful. I hope that you heal quickly!

  12. I'm happy to hear that you are on the mend and hopefully feeling less sore each day. Continued prayers for complete healing - no cartwheels for the immediate future! ;)

  13. Ouch. Hopefully by now you are feeling spry again. I know you are making progress with knitting and a little on the quilting front.


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