Cooking Frenzy

January 2019

Snowy days are perfect for sewing, reading, knitting, and assembling jigsaw puzzles, but they are also great for cooking. It's difficult to cook for one person, and if I don't prepare meals for the freezer, I tend to snack rather than eat a healthy meal.

I noted the weather forecast on Thursday and decided that Friday would be a day for preparing freezer meals. I gathered the ingredients for several dishes and began cooking. I made two dishes on the stovetop, one in the crock pot, and one in the oven.

Once the dishes are ready, I cool them a bit before placing single portions in freezer containers. By the time I was finished on Friday, I had eighteen additional containers in the freezer for my evening meals and enough variety to satisfy. I'll supplement the portions with a salad, etc.

Do you prepare freezer meals?


  1. I don't prepare freezer meals like that...but when I make sauce (spaghetti) I always make enough to freeze several containers. Same thing when I make soup or stews.

    So...what did you make?

  2. I have several in the freezer as we speak! I think it is a good idea for me, because when I get home at 7:30 pm from work, I don't feel much like cooking.

  3. That is a brilliant thing to do. Once in a while I freeze a few meals, but nothing like the quantity you did. Even for the two of us I like to have easy meals on hand because the weekends especially get busy.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. This is a great idea! I tend to snack when it's just me home, too, so this is a perfect solution. I don't make freezer meals now but I should so it would be on hand for the days I don't feel like cooking!

  5. Been freezing meals ahead for years. I freeze meatloaf slices, mashed white and sweet potatoes and all my soups. One mess, many meals, so I have time to sew.

  6. I don't, but I do want to start meal planning better, just to cut down on the unhealthy snacking we do.

  7. I do...for my dog. Lol....I cook her a ton of meaty things and then break them down for the freezer so she always has fresh food along with her kibble. I got into the habit with my old Yorkie who lived with pancreatitis for 18 years. The new Pup doesn't need the special diet but it felt weird not to cook for her and I really do enjoy making her little meals.

  8. Haven't you done well, a fine selection of ready prepared meals. I don't have a big cook up like you, but often freeze extra portions od home made soup, stews. Sometimes when baking I make an extra cake or fruit loaf and freeze it for later.

  9. I have soup and taco meat in the freezer. I used to cook up more meals but then I wouldn't use them and they got freezer burn.

  10. I love it when the planning and the prepping comes together for some plan ahead meals. I have a tendency to freeze breakfast things, cookie dough and sausage rolls. Instead of just large freeze ahead, it's more make extra to feed now and feed later. heh. I bet your freezer is very organized. I wish we could say the same!

  11. Seeiing how i love leftovers i SHOUld follow your lead" what sorts of things do you make ahead?

  12. Yes we cook for the freezer! We are basically lazy cooks...LOL. Last week I made chicken and noodles. I have hotdishes, chili vegetable soup, gumbo and a chicken soup my husband likes in the freezer ready to pop in the microwave...oh and when I make wild rice I freeze that too:)

  13. Planned leftovers and big pots of chili or soup that get stashed into smaller containers in the freezer.

  14. That's a lot of cooking for a day!I love to cook, but I also love to pull out meals I've stashed in the deep freeze for days when I have other obligations. My mom lives alone and she cooks all the time - she likes to entertain and feed the neighbors and her deep freeze is full of meals. I always look forward to meals when I visit!


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