Chain Piecing Tip

chain piecing half-square triangles
January 2019
I've been doing a lot of chain piecing (sewing multiple pieces in a continuous chain) recently - half square triangles (HSTs), four patches, and flying geese.

A recent project required 64 HSTs, and to keep track of my count, I sewed ten HST units followed by a colorful section of a four-patch; thus, to keep track of the required HSTs, I counted the four-patch sections.

Taking a quick glance at the pile of sewing in the photo, I can tell there are forty HSTs. It didn't take long to sew twenty-four more HSTs.
sixty-four HSTs
January 2019
I used the same "counting" system to make the four-patch units

eighty four-patch units
January 2019
and turn them into blocks.

If you're a quilter, how do you keep track of the required components when chain piecing?


  1. I do a lot of counting but usually I make one block at a time!

  2. Yikes! That's a lot. I am not a quilter (good thing - lol).

  3. Could you use a little pen-and-paper tick sheet as you finish each portion. Sort of like row counting in knitting.

    But, I'm not a quilter either so I don't know whether that would actually work.

  4. Most of the time I count while cutting, but generally I group my blocks in sets of 10 held with those little plastic clips.

  5. So funny that you're making that block... I was just considering it for a quilt for my oldest niece!

  6. I like to do sets of 10, iron them, stack in a pile of 10 until I have enough for the project
    Maybe not the quickest way but I like to break up the process I think it is better for my body

  7. That’s pretty much why I don’t do quilting. It’s all very confusing to me. I have made four queen size quilts and those are probably my last ones. I did not enjoy the process at all. Blessings, Betsy

  8. This is why I'll never be a traditional quilter. I hate counting! Yes, that is a problem sometimes with knitting, but I think it's a bigger factor with quilting! I admire those of you who can do it.

  9. Brilliant!
    I don't keep count usually but I will now. Thanks for the tip.

  10. Wow! I have never tried chain quilting. Thanks for the tip!


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