Coming Together

sewing stars with a wildlife panel
January 2019
A couple of years ago, Sue gave me several boxes of fabric and scraps. One box contained a partial wildlife panel, and I delayed using it because some of the panel "blocks" had issues: the fabric had been cut close to the printed blocks, and they needed to be made larger. To do that, I salvaged some fabric from the largest blocks (usually about a half an inch) and made the undersized blocks larger. Once I was ready to start the quilt, all of the blocks were framed with dark brown.

back view: Canada goose block required two small strips to bring it up to size
The Canada goose block is the only one that required two strips. I would have preferred to use one strip, but I didn't have enough scrap fabric for a single strip repair. 

front view of Canada goose block

The "repairs" aren't as noticeable in the undersized deer and eagle blocks. Once the top is quilted, I'm hoping the repairs will blend into the background. 


  1. I love the Canada Goose!! Nice save for those blocks.

  2. clever repairs and you're right - once quilted they won't show.

  3. I don’t think you’ll be able to see them at all once you quilt it. I love Canada geese. We watch them fly both north and south in the spring and fall up at the lake. Blessings, Betsy

  4. Based on what I can see, I like the double-strip border on the goose panel. It provides depth. It will be gorgeous!

    And the recipient never will know it was a necessary creative decision unless you mention it! ;-)

  5. Those will become part of the design, and near invisible with the quilting!

  6. I don't see any issues. It looks lovely!

  7. You get bonus points for making these blocks fit into a quilt. I woUld have said time for online shopping! Or maybe buried them in the USF’s a while longer.

  8. Can't wait to see the finish! It's looking great so far......

  9. What a great fix--you've solved the dilemma perfectly!! It is going to be very manly when you're done!!!


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