Handy Chargers

USB charger in Laramie motel
August 2018
I was pleasantly surprised to find USB charging receptacles easily accessible at the two motels that I stayed in recently. One was on the wall above the night stand, and the other was on top of the alarm clock.

alarm clock with USB charger
August 2018
Have you seen these in your area?


  1. Yup - at least the ones in the wall. Not on the alarm clocks though. Very handy!

  2. I've seen the wall ones. Our local coffee shop has them.

    I haven't seen one in the alarm clock though.

  3. The wall outlets are becoming more common. I want a couple of these put into my house.

  4. The alarm clock is a great idea! I will check it out!

  5. No nothing so convenient...although my brother has a couch with a charging station...fancy smancy:) My one in my vehicle you practically have to stand on your head to plug in:(

  6. Wow. I like the alarm clock with the recharge. Mine is so old it has a cassette player in it.......

  7. No, next time we stay in a motel, I'll be more observant!

  8. We have a couple of the wall outlets in our house. At the hotels we’ve stayed in recently all had USB outlets in the bedside lamp bases. Very convenient. Blessings, Betsy


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