Feeling Like Home

my new home
August 2018
One of the maintenance guys came by on Friday to hang my pendulum clocks, fix a window crank, and attach my flag holder. With that all done, my apartment now "feels like home."

I am very impressed with how helpful the manager and maintenance crew are in this complex. The maintenance guys even hauled some of my "purged" items to a local church for a yard sale. All of the residents that I've talked to (some have lived here from 5 - 10 years) are pleased with how quickly their requests are handled. I'm happy that I found an apartment that is well maintained and the people are friendly.


  1. I am so happy for you!! It looks like a lovely place.

  2. I am really glad to hear this. You hadn't said a lot about the new place so wasn't sure if you were happy with it.

  3. This was a big MOve Nancy. Looks like all is going very smoothly for you and I'm so happy! Love the quilt at your door!

  4. Glad it is working out and it feels like home so soon!

  5. So glad you are happy with your new place!

  6. I love how the people from USA have their home flagpole and proudly fly the flag. This doesn't often happen at homes here in New Zealand although Robin has had a large flagpole for about 10 years now. We are the only people in our village of 70 who have a flagpole, and that caused some controversy when it first was installed. Obviously some didn't like it but as long as the pole fitting weren't attached to the fence it was deemed OK. The village developer, as we found out, has a flagpole in his own home, so he was fine with our one.

  7. That kind of service isn't easy to find! I'm so glad you found it.

  8. Yay!! I'm even happier for you that you have good management. We have horrible building management. I try to be positive about it by thinking they leave us alone, but their maintenance is craptastic. I'm glad you are having excellent service!

  9. And you got your wooden quilt up. It's so pretty.

    Glad you are happy in your new apartment. I'll be envying you when I have to shovel my driveway and YOU have a maintenance man to come do that for you. ROFL

  10. Wonderful to have a great back-up crew on hand! I like the Fall Quilt Plaque up , too!!!! Home, sweet, home-there's nothing like it!

  11. I see you got your quilt square up too, so glad it feels like home to you! :)


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