Square Dance - clue #5

sewing Clue #5 of Square Dance QAL
May 2018
Clue #5 for the Square Dance QAL was released on Friday. This clue involved sewing two units together.
oops - six units sewn together incorrectly
It was an easy clue, but somehow I got distracted and sewed six units together incorrectly.

Out came the seam ripper, and within a half an hour all the units were sewn correctly and pressed.

awaiting the final clue
Next month, the newly created units and the nine-patches will somehow be turned into a quilt top, and the Square Dance QAL will be finished.

If you are interested in making this quilt in the future, you'd better download the clues, because they will be removed from Carol's site after the reveal.

Square Dance clues 1 - 5


  1. I really like the fabrics you’ve chosen for this QAL. I can’t imagine you ever making a mistake during quilting! You are so skilled at deciphering patterns and sewing these tops. I am hoping that my back will finally allow me to start sewing again this fall.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  2. I'm so happy to know I am not the only one to do that!

  3. All those neutrals are pretty together.

  4. I know that feeling! I don't sew quilts, but I've done that making garments. Easy peasy and then bingo! A big fat mistake! Glad it only took a half hour to get things sorted out. Love all your fabrics for this.

  5. The indigo blue is so pretty. And I still can't figure out how these are going together, so it will be fun to see it next month. And I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets distracted and needs to get out the seam ripper.

  6. You are almost there! Can't wait to see how it goes together.

  7. Oops on the distract. NICE RECOVERY!!!

  8. I'm so glad you were able to correct the mis-sewn blocks!
    I am very interested to see how this will go together!!
    It is a great color in the neutrals!


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