Back in Time - Wedding Party

ring bearer and flower girls
near Kinnear, WY
approximately 1956
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex' wedding, an elegant and romantic affair, was the topic of conversation all weekend. Over the years, I have been in three wedding parties: as a flower girl when I was a child and as a maid of honor for two friends.

My debut as a flower girl almost didn't happen: I was a shy child and remember hiding behind a chair in our front room when it was time to go to the church. The photo (I'm in the middle) shows that someone managed to persuade me to go to the Mendenhall wedding.

Other than your own wedding, have you ever been in a wedding party?


  1. I have been in more weddings than I can count! at least 6-7! When my turn came I had one attendant, my sister, and I didn't care what she wore :) No showers, destination because I wasn't wanting anything fancy or big. Easiest wedding ever.

  2. Love that picture - the boy's expression is hilarious!!

    I've been in a few weddings as maid of honor and a bridesmaid.

  3. No I have not been in anyone's wedding but I have coordinated a few:) Sweet picture.

  4. I've been a bridesmaid for both my best friend and her sister. When I was little, I was very upset that my brother got to be a ringbearer in my Dad's friends wedding, but they chose another girl to be the flower girl.
    Dave and I didn't have any attendants for our wedding.

  5. That is an adorable photo. No, I've never been in a wedding other than my own. My oldest daughter however, has been a bridesmaid in 8 other weddings! We were betting on whether she would end up with "27 Dresses", like the movie. LOL

  6. That is such a sweet picture. You look remarkably like my sister at this age in this picture. Other than my own wedding I’ve been a bridesmaid in two others. Blessings, Betsy

  7. I have been a bridesmaid several times. Allison was a flower girl and my mom bribed her to come up the aisle telling her she had a new dolly for her in the pew. It worked. You are just darling in that image

  8. A few but I couldn’t tell you whose except Juliana somebody or other. Not a good sign. So, did you steal the show? Those flower girls were darling and amazingly well bhaved.

  9. Yes, mostly of relatives and once for a sorority sister. We attended a wedding where the flower girl threw a tantrum in the middle of the aisle!

  10. I have never been in a wedding party (other than my own), but we didn't have a big fancy wedding --- no white dress, veil, etc...

    This probably won't surprise anyone that knows me, but I have never in my life worn a "fancy" dress. LOL

  11. Ha,ha...only one and it wasn't mine! We went to NV and got married by the justice of the peace in 1975. Years later, I was a bridesmaid for my sister when she got married. I made my dress and the other bridesmaids dresses too! Thank goodness I didn't have to make the bride's dress.

  12. Such a lovely photo. I was matron of honour at my best friends wedding, and she chose apricot for our dresses, so not my colour.

  13. When I was little I too was supposed to be a flower girl. I totally freaked out and refused to go down the aisle much to the embarrassment of my parents. Now I love weddings. Daughter's wedding "year" was the best time of my life. It was worth every penny to give her the "royal" treatment. The only regret The Mister and I had afterwards is that we didn't buy more time for the reception. It was over way too fast.

  14. You were so cute. Do you remember if you enjoyed being in it after it was over? I was only in one wedding, as a bridesmaid. Even though I was grown, I barely remember it, in fact I remember how hard it was to get the dress made more than the actual wedding.

  15. Awwwww
    What a sweet photo!
    Sadly I never got to be a flower girl.
    I used to be so envious of the lucky girls who had the honour.
    Matron of Honour once.

  16. Lovely little photo of the wedding 'royalty'!
    Yes, it is great to be in a wedding!

  17. Cute photo! Yes I was a bridsemaid for my brother' wedding and also for my sister's first marriage.


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