Helpful Tools - Stitch Stoppers

stitch stoppers
February 2018
Some of my most helpful tools are made from ordinary items. For example, I make stitch stoppers for my knitting needles from a simple foam door hanger, sold in packs of four at the Dollar Store. I snip off about an inch, cut that strip into three sections and poke a hole in the middle with a sturdy tapestry needle. One door hanger produces a dozen of these handy squares - more if you cut them smaller.

These were especially helpful when I was knitting traveling blankets for the Oddball Baby Blanket group. They work better than tip protectors because they do not fall off easily.

I usually toss some in my knitting bag, and I don't mind sharing the protectors with friends because they are so inexpensive to "make."


  1. Genius!!!!! I am going to use this and pass it on to daughter and mom!

  2. Love this! I need to find some of those foam hangers. Very clever - thanks for sharing!

  3. Great Idea Nancy!!! Will copy that

  4. I've never seen those stitch stoppers before - how clever and how simple!

  5. This is a wonderful idea Nancy! I’m going to have to look for some of those next time I’m at the dollar store.
    Blessings, Betsy

  6. What a great idea.New Zealanders are known for their ability to use objects in different ways. I guess we had to learn to do that because New Zealand was such a long way from major manufacturing countries. We couldn’t always wait for the next shipment. I think you could win a Kiwi ingenuity award with that idea.

  7. Packing peanuts might do the same thing too. Cool idea!

  8. Hmmmm.....that is a good idea. I think I have some of that somewhere and some needles that really need it.

  9. Aack! I just donated a giant jar of foam geometric shapes to our library for their kids' art programs. I could have used those.

  10. Clever. Must find something made with that squishy foam! Hum, maybe the foam toe separators used when you have a pedicure. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. What a great idea! I have some of that fun foam. Will have to try it.


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