Helpful Tools - Quilter's Calculator

Quilter's Calculator

About ten years ago, Brenda gave me this quilter's calculator for Christmas. At the time, I wasn't making that many quilts and didn't think I've ever use it. Fast forward a few years, and the calculator has become invaluable, as I am constantly using it to determine yardage and the required number of strips to cut for borders.

Thanks again, Brenda for this useful gift.


  1. I had no idea such a tool existed. I can see how it would be helpful!

  2. I have seen them on the market but I wonder , what is different about them?

  3. I had no clue these existed...but of course I don't quilt. I imagine it would be very helpful!

  4. Very handy to have a specialized calculator. I find that I use a LOT of math skills and I enjoy figuring out how to make a block myself rather than buy the pattern.

  5. I had no idea there was such a thing as a quilters calculator either. I can imagine how very handy that would be.
    Blessings, Betsy

  6. Cool tool . Love when someone comes up with a really useful thing for crafters

  7. I have the Android app version of this (or certainly something similar) on my smartphone. I use it for almost every quilt I make. It's free and sponsored by Robert Kaufman. Easy to use, too!

  8. I never knew there WAS a calculator just for quilters!

  9. Since I am not a quilter I had no idea that this even existed:)

  10. I started with a booklet that gave much the same information the calculator does although often I had to figure the final info myself. Sometimes I use the app version that BJ mentioned above. Much easier to have the math done for me. Or, throw caution to the wind, and just buy lots of fabric for whatever project I'm currently working on.

  11. I had one of these, but guess what? Too lazy to learn how to use it!


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