Stitch Marker Overload

organizing stitch markers
November 2016
Hmmm, could it be more obvious that I've got my share of stitch markers!

It's embarrassing to admit that the photo does not include all the stitch markers I discovered in various boxes, bags, and tins scattered in knitting bags and next to my favorite knitting chairs. I grouped the various markers by type and size and then separated them into two categories: those I wanted to keep and those I no longer wanted.

Do you see your a favorite type of stitch markers in one of the photos?


  1. I use a few of those that you have but I keep them all in one spot.

  2. I made some beautiful stitch markers using some stone beads. I don't like them. What I use are the little round plastic circles. If I flip one and it goes flying, I am not too upset if I can't find it.

  3. I only have a few stitch markers... I just started using them...guess I don't knit that much!...I love your assortment...and it reminded me I better look for mine and take some south with me:)

  4. I love very thin wire ones but I do a lot of lace work so the finer the better!

  5. I love the clip ones that you open and close. I tend to knit stitchmarkers into the knitted items so when that happens I can undo it quickly. I loose mine and I break them too. WOWZA that's a lot of markers there Nancy!!

  6. With this many to hand do you ever have a situation where you cannot find the right stitch marker for the occasion?

  7. Nice collection! I like the kind that is in the center-right of your photo, the greenish ones that open up easily and even if I never knit another stitch, I've always loved stitch markers. LOL Crazy, I know.

  8. Those little rascals multiply you know! If you leave them unattended in a knitting bag they will be triple in number when you find them again. Seeing your stitch markers I don't feel so bad about the huge number of straight pins I bought yesterday. They will last the rest of my life!

  9. love all your stitch markers...

  10. I have lots of markers too, but I actually use most of them. I've made a lot of beaded ones. Those are my favorites.

  11. Wow! That is a lot. I like to buy different ones when I'm on vacation...just like yarn (ha!). I'm partial to beaded ones, but I use the simple plastic hoops a lot too.

  12. Wait a minute Nancy! Some of those are actually end stoppers for needle sets. And I also see the doohickey needed to change the points! I want to try the markers that need to be clipped shut. I'm forever dropping the little open circles. I have been known to use safety pins but I bought the plastic ones instead.

  13. At least you can get double use out of the safety pins when you're quilting! I'd say you're prepared for any project that needs a stitch marker and then some. Mine tend to multiply also. Funny thing, eh?


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