Microwave Bowl Holders

Microwave bowl holders
October 2016
Sheri and I met one day in late October to make prototypes of the project we would be presenting to the monthly sewing group. Sheri had already made hers (shown on the right), and I was making mine to see if it could be completed in two hours.

I used Sheri's machine that was totally unfamiliar to me, so we had to stop the clock for a bit to address some technical problems (empty bobbin, broken needle, etc.) I managed to complete my bowl holder in the time allotted.

underside of microwave bowl holders
The bowl holders are reversible. I used two fat quarters (FQs) from a bundle of Asian prints I purchased several years ago.

If you aren't familiar with cloth microwave bowl holders, they hold a bowl as its contents is being heated in the microwave. The edge or wings on the cloth bowl holder are used to lift the bowl safely out of the microwave.  Sheri and I used this pattern.

When I got home, I looked for a pattern that did not require binding and found a free square pattern that can be made to fit a variety of bowl sizes. It was easy to make, and I like the wide wings for lifting. I used the remainder of the Asian fabric to make one for Marilyn, Brenda, Sue, and myself.

square (reversible) microwave bowl
Do you use cloth, microwave bowl holders?


  1. No, I have a small pair of pot holders close by that I use and also if I am using a paper bowl I just use several and then put the clean ones back.

  2. I saw these last year in Yuma... We don't have a microwave any more.... but they are a good idea!!

  3. Clever idea...and yours are so colorful. I don't really use our microwave very much, but my husband uses it ALL the time. However, he also fills bowls, cups, etc. to the very top...then heats everything on high for incredible amounts of time (read burn your mouth) so that it all at some point spills over the top. I'd be constantly washing these....

  4. Yes we do have them and we use tham all the time. Have also made and given many away. Actually ours are rather tired, time for some new ones.

  5. No we don't but sometimes I use potholders. This is a wonderful idea:)

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you Nancy!! I think you just finished my me-made Christmas gifts. I will pop over and order the pattern now. I love it!!

  7. Thank you for the bowl holder. Bert has found it to be very handy for when he zaps soup.

  8. I had never heard of such a thing. It's a VERY good idea.

  9. Nice looking but we don't tend to heat soup in the microwave. I've seen these before and would have made some if I did heat in there. Enjoy them.


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