Foreign Friday

a creek on the Lake Towada Trail
Autumn 1979
Because of the high humidity and frequent rains, moss was common in Japan. It grew on rocks, sidewalks, in the cracks of the parking lots, and basically anything that didn't move.


  1. What a lovely scene! I can almost hear that water and smell the forest.

  2. At first I thought the water was snow crystals ! I thought moss and snow is alovely combo. Now I see its pretty water!

  3. Even though the water is really rushing, the scene is very tranquil.

  4. Beautiful photo!! I can almost hear the water rushing by. Hope your Thanksgiving was super wonderful!!

  5. That photo really appeals to me. I love watching rushing water.

  6. I thought the water was snow also and was going to ask you if it snows much in Japan. We have lots of moss here in Washington, especially this time of year although it never really goes away.


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