Missouri Star Mural - part 2

artist working on a new mural
Hamilton, MO
August 2015
It was fascinating to see this man working on a new mural for the Missouri Star Quilt Company. The building was next to a small coffee shop where we popped in to purchase a cold drink.

mural in progress
Missouri Star Quilt Company
Hamilton, MO
August 2015
We went further down the street, and when we turned around to go back to the car, we could see the progress that he had made. How I would love to see the finished mural that appears to be a large farm house, probably with quilts on the porch.


  1. That's cool! I thought painting a mural would be a free-form process, but it looks like he's painting each brick separately. It would appear he's following a prepared plan.

  2. Wished we knew more about this, how it is done and etc. Like you I would have like to seen it finished.

  3. It's amazing that they can "picture" this in their mind's eye and make it the right perspective on the wall.

    I watched artist's do one in Kissimmee, Florida. It was amazing the detail.

  4. Love seeing the transformation! Must be fun to do...if you have the talent!

  5. I love to watch artists also. Did he draw on the wall before painting? It always amazes me to see a local artist here do murals on the walls at the church. She just starts painting without guidelines of any sort and her scale is perfect.

  6. Mural art is really beautiful to me. Zach loves to photograph artists doing mural work

  7. Love the first action photo of the mural in progress. Very cool!

  8. It's interesting to see how it's done in sections. I would love to know the planning process. Here in Mitchell we have huge murals on the front and side of the Corn Palace. But these are done with corn and grains rather than paint. There are also some inside on the walls.

    The 2016 ones have a music theme and are just being finished up. http://cornpalace.com/

  9. That is quite a project; it would be fun to see the mural as it progressed.

  10. I so can't wait to go there this spring.

  11. How fun it would be to go there. Missouri Star Quilt store is an amazing story. Did you buy anything why you were there?

  12. Now that is talent, I would love to see the finished mural:)


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