Foreign Friday

Nancy, Ronald, and Judy Loxtercamp
Tokyo, Japan
April 1980
MacDonald hamburgers and fries were a welcome treat whenever we were in Tokyo, which wasn't very often. This Tokyo MacDonald's restaurant had two floors: food was ordered on the street level, and tables and chairs were available on the lower level.

At fast food restaurants in Japan, it was common to sit wherever there was an open chair even if you didn't know another soul sitting in the other chairs. I thought it was a fun way to meet new people and have a bit of conversation.


  1. After eating Japanese food, I wouldn't think they would like McDonalds.

  2. Ronald has certainly changed his look since the 70's. Were the hamburger prices really high? That's what I remembered about the McD's overseas.

  3. I've often wondered if McDonald's hamburgers and fries taste the same in foreign restaurants? I love you and Judy in the big glasses! I've actually gone back to the big frames and love them. Maybe we had some good ideas back then.

  4. It just seems so odd to see Ronald McDonald in Japan. Cute photo. I've been to a McDonalds where the seating was on a different level too.

  5. It was just a little taste of "home" I'm sure. Don't know about back then, but now you will find some menu items at overseas McD's that are definitely more local and not just the original US items.

  6. I am so glad you were a ble to have McDonalds over seas! Id miss it for sure.

  7. Interesting. I've always wondered why we don't do that around here, but then I rarely eat alone "out" anyway!

  8. I like the what the Japanese sit in any open seat. I find it odd how Americans sit with people, like on planes, and often don't even say hello.


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