Even More Granny Blocks

Granny Square (Album) blocks
Once all the preparation is done, these blocks go together quickly, and they are ADDICTIVE!

Nearly enough blocks for a quilt top
I'm happy that the pile of blocks is growing and that I have nearly enough to make a quilt top. These blocks will be trimmed and sashed with white.


  1. They have that sweet, old-fashioned look. :-)

  2. Looking great! You say it's easy to put the blocks together? I'm wondering how you put that zig-zag edge together.

  3. The blue/golds are my favorite of course

  4. You are cranking them out, no surprise. I get excited whenever someone else is really enthused about their project. I'm so happy this is addictive in the best of ways. hehe.

  5. I am anxious to see your finished edge...I was thinking of sewing half blocks on my edge. BUT I may re think that:)

  6. These look great. What size squares? I have plenty of precut squares but probably not enough of any one size to make a block.


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