Breathing Room

January 2015
The Post Office held my mail while I was gone at Christmas, and when it was delivered, my box was stuffed with the daily newspaper, advertisements, and a few stray Christmas cards and bills. The carrier crammed as much of the mail as he could in the box and delivered the rest the following day.

Sometimes, my life resembles this mailbox - crammed with useless items and tasks: so crowded that it is impossible to discern the important from the trivial. Last week, I had appointments, errands, meetings, and commitments nearly every day. It felt like I didn't have a moment to myself, and I didn't like that feeling. I've grown accustomed to and enjoy having downtime.

Frankly, I don't know how I ever had time to work.


  1. And it is such a delicate balance - being too busy or not busy enough. I have a recently retired friend who is struggling with staying busy enough. And I still struggle with balancing my work life and my creative life. Almost all of my friends have retired and I feel lots of jealousy some days. But I'm not quite ready to make that move - financially or emotionally. I need a part time job instead!

  2. My mind gets that crowded some days! I've been in overload since Christmas and it's time for all of us to s-l-o-w down. I am convinced that life is moving faster as I get older. Good reason to retire!

  3. I HAVE to have that breathing room too. I've become very accustomed to having the day scheduled according to my time...and when it's scheduled otherwise, I feel like I've fallen back into "the job." I love that down-time.

  4. I tend to over commit with dates and friends and then need space. Its always the same cycle. I can't seem to stretch the appointments with space...

  5. Isn't that the truth.... When I worked full time... I watched little grandchildren... did crafts with them...looked after mom..... I don't know how I would ever have time for that now!!!

  6. That's a great description. Sometimes I wonder how I used to work full time, get dinner ( a real home cooked dinner) on the table, and still have time for other things. Maybe I was more organized then.

  7. No matter what stage of life, I never have a problem filling the day. However, I prefer those days when I don't have a million things scheduled. Breathing room is good!

  8. I know what you mean Nancy I hate weeks where I get no me time. I try to schedule "stuff" far apart as I can. I like my at home time where I don't have to go anyplace unless I want to:)

  9. I love your last line, "Frankly I don't know how I ever had time to work." I can't imagine ever being bored when there are so many interesting things to do.

  10. Boy do I hear you. I think I might be a hermit except for quilt guild meetings! But, today I'm off to the Women's Club which a friend asked me to join. I'm not sure I'll continue next year. At least it does get me out of the house.

  11. I'm hearing you on this one too Nancy! A good analogy. I'm still sorting and simplifying here. Here's to the new year.

  12. I like this post. A great point you make here.


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