John's Service

Pvt. John Stearns
near Pavillion, WY
With my parents' blessing, my oldest brother John enlisted in the Army before he graduated from high school. In the Army, John learned how to weld, and next to mechanics, welding was his passion and his vocation. An earlier post about John's welding can be seen here and here. John was stationed in Japan during the Korea War.

John's military stint ended early when our brother Jerry was killed in a car accident October 1955. I was told that my parents requested a hardship discharge for John, which is probably true since he returned home early in 1956.


  1. Aww ! Allison's Nathan is a welder. He welds and repairs expensive surgical instruments.

  2. What a fine picture of your brother! I like those photos with the guy's car as background; it reveals some great details about that decade. Thanks to all those brave young men who served our country!!

  3. Thank you for your service Pvt. John Stearns and for your family's service.

  4. Great photo of your brother and his car! So sorry though about your other brother; that must have been hard on your family.

  5. So thankful for your brothers service! It must have been a sad homecoming for him after your other brothers death.
    Eighty quilts tonight at your that will be some ceremony! :)

  6. Thanks to your family for John's service. My father served in Korea as well, but ... in Korea.

  7. We have so much to be thankful for in this country that wouldn't be possible without the men and women who serve in our military, and those who support their efforts from home. Great photo of your brother.


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