Before They Disappear - Pay Phone

Pay Phone
Lander Valley Hospital
Lander, WY
Late Summer 2013
I am still on the look-out for pay phones in my community.

This summer, Sheila spotted this one at the Lander hospital. We had just finished visiting a friend who was in the ICU when Sheila pointed to the phone tucked in a small cubby hole. It's a good thing Sheila has sharp eyes and that my cell phone is capable of taking photos, or I would have missed documenting this vanishing American icon.

Previous posts about pay phones, can be seen here.


  1. I need to look around here to see if there are any left around.

  2. I never think to look for them until I see one of your photos. Hopefully this time I'll remember.

  3. Neat!! I think I'll start watching for the beloved payphones. I was saved by such a phone on several occasions when I was young and drove a "junker" car that was constantly breaking down. Those were the days when we carried "mad money" and wow was I mad at that car!

  4. Good idea to take pictures. My grandchildren will never know what one of those are.

  5. Isn't that something? Good photo. It may not be long before pay phones are gone. They'll be in same area as typewriters in the museums. Ha.

  6. Good catch, to both of you. I saw a tv show the other day where the people walked up to a phone booth (well a covered phone on a pole) on the street, and I thought there was no way there was really a phone on the street like that.

  7. We are always surprised when we see them....great picture and so smart to take it!!!

  8. Last weekend I actually saw someone talking on a payphone. It was in a "not so nice" neighborhood in Orlando. We were going down the expressway or I would have tried to capture a picture. LOL (Or maybe not, considering the neighborhood.)

  9. I'm going to have to send you a picture of some phone booths. One of the buildings at the old hospital I work for still has the booths.

  10. Oh, look! I found it! Here's the post about the Art Deco Building.


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