Penny for My Thoughts

"refund check"
November 2013
I toyed with the idea of canceling my cable television for a couple of years for several reasons: a) there aren't that many new shows that appeal to me anymore, b) I can watch my favorite shows on Hulu or Netflix for a fraction of the cost of cable, and c) the stations provided by the cable company are not of my choosing. Finally, I arranged to have my cable stopped on October 1st.

I got the refund check (shown above) in Saturday's mail. The cost of the paper, the postage, the time of the employee(s) to prepare the check total more than the actual refund.

Do I miss having cable? Not at all. I can listen to NBC Nightly News podcast on my computer and/or phone (both audio or video are available) without commercial interruptions. I can listen to ABC news on my television via the Roku box and my internet. With the Roku, I can watch documentaries, movies and old TV shows on Neflix and other channels; I can also listen to all kinds of music. I love the variety, and I get to choose the channels (many are free).

These thoughts were brought to you through the funding ($ .01) of Bresnan and Charter Communications.


  1. I had to chuckle at your refund check, my parents got a refund check from their rent in Illinois after they moved in and it was for .04 cents.

  2. I love my roku also. We are so far out in the country we do not get ANY local television at all. So for the morning news and weather, I keep a minimum DISH subscription but would like to ditch it also. We used Netflix almost exclusively so I ditched Hulu plus but am considering Amazon Prime. Streaming is great.

  3. That check is hilarious. It should raise some eyebrows at the bank, too. HA! I like the Roku, too, and watch Netflix all the time. It's been a long time since I've had to watch a commercial.

  4. I have heard good things about Roku. We have Direct TV, I guess we will continue it, we think of it as two date nights out a month and we never go out to the movies so it works for us:)

  5. I wrote a comment and I think it disappeared so if it is duplicated please forgive me. As I was saying...DH and I got a real laugh out of your post Nancy! We have been thinking of doing the same thing. We also have Roku and Netflicks as well as Amazon Prime. Network television isn't enjoyable any longer so why should we continue to pay for it? Plus, we can always use an extra $.01!!

  6. I know quite a few people with no television whatsoever.....i love HULU

  7. Don't forget to detach and cash immediately!

  8. Crazy! I guess it'll cost more than that to cash or deposit it> Maybe you should frame it? LOL

  9. You can drive the accounting dept crazy by holding it for a while before cashing it. Why am I so behind the times? I hadn't even heard of Roku until a couple of weeks ago? Not big tv watchers except sports and its hard to get our college sports on the East coast.

  10. I'm really impressed! I wish I could let go of the evil beast that is Cable. Alas, we are bound, I like to give the excuse of sports, but really, we are just addicted. Maybe one day... maybe.

  11. That is too funny!! And is nice to get unhooked!!:))

  12. as little as we watch our TV we've considered it. We do love Dancing With the Stars. The Voice, and I love the Bigfoot show. ha ha


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