Early Snowfall

September 27, 2013
Contrast of Seasons
September 27,2013
Trees will be broken all over town. Thankfully, my three ash trees were trimmed last summer, so hopefully, the damage will be minimal.

September 27, 2013
This ash tree was trimmed last summer but was under stress, so it didn't surprise me to see the broken branches. Note the cable in the upper left of this photo. All of my trees are cabled to prevent large branches from splitting the tree in half.

Nothing to do now but hope for the best.

Here's the forecast.


  1. That is an early snowfall. Stay warm and safe!

  2. Snow in September??! Wow, that is early! Hope you're staying warm and safe inside - and do some knitting :)

  3. arghhhhh. I can't handle that snow so early. I guess you have no choice! Poor you and wyoming! Hope the sun shows up again..and fast

  4. I know it's is hard when you have to live in it, but the snow is so beautiful! I love the contrast of the banner against the white snow. A chance to snuggle up in front of a fire and knit!

  5. What happened to fall??? I hope it warms up some before winter really sets in.

  6. Oh my! That IS a surprise. I think you need to change your flag. LOL In spite of it being early, the snow is beautiful.

  7. All I can say is BRRRRRRRR! It's too early for this stuff!

  8. Oh my! I heard the "s" word used for WY on the Weather Channel this afternoon, and I thought of you and said, "Surely not!" Your Fall season was remarkably short this year, it appears. Hope it goes away soon and you can get back to fall-ish weather.

  9. Well, this storm set some records. I'm not thrilled. I lost some branches too!

  10. Ummm - no! It's entirely too early. I was just telling Sissy Says this morning that we skipped Fall in Western Washington and went straight to Winter - looks like Wyoming did the same. Hope the damage isn't too bad. g

  11. Oh dear!!! I don't like the look of that!!!..... I think you will have to come visit us thia winter Nancy:))))..... It's going to be a way toooo looonnnggg of a winter for you:)))....We had our first heavy frost last night...but the snow has stayed away.... I am hoping I can handle being here until December......Hopefully you'll still have a beautiful fall!!!

  12. I see what you mean. Looks very pretty but. I guess you are not too pleased.


  13. Oh boo. I love snow, but I'm not ready for winter - and trees with green leaves to grab extra, wet snow say the same! I hope this isn't setting the tone for your winter.

  14. So sad to see all of those broken branches. We get that a lot although ours is from the wind. Hope your early snow is not a sign of what to expect this winter!


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