Up and Running

Nothing is worse than a battery that does not hold a charge, especially if it is the lifeblood of a laptop computer. Over the last few months, my MacBook has delivered less and less battery-operation time, and eventually, a warning flashed on the desktop that the battery needed replaced.

My MacBook is nearly three years old and does not have an exterior-removable battery and required a trip to the Apple store and an extended stay: the battery had to be ordered since my MacBook is an "older" model.

When I picked up the computer yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised the repair didn't cost me anything.


  1. I'm glad you have your computer back. I guess the wait was payment enough for the battery.

  2. WOOHOO! Glad to see you up and running again. And the price was just right!

  3. Wow! That IS a pleasant surprise. I'm glad you're up and operational again.

  4. That is great! Happy memorial day!

  5. Welcome Back...and yes you gotta love a Mac.... I have had mine for about a year...and I'll never go Back!! Happy Memorial Day.

  6. yay!!! You are all fixed and running!!! Happy Memorial Day

  7. Glad to see you back on. Sue

  8. Well, yay for free repairs!! I'll bet it was the AppleCare, eh?

  9. Very same thing happened to us with same happy ending.

  10. I am so jealous. I'm on my 2nd replaced battery of my Mac Book Pro and it's only 4 years old...or so I think. The power cord is going and I'll need to decide if I buy a new laptop or switch to an iPad. Decisions, decisions... glad yours is up and working!


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