Kit Bags

Kit bags for Days for Girls International
All Crafts for Charity (a Yahoo group) selects a charity for each month. April's charity is Days for Girls International an organization that provides washable feminine hygiene kits to women and girls in impoverished nations worldwide.

Twenty-two kit bags
for Days for Girls International
I used some fabric odds and ends and yardage to make 22 kit bags for this project. Finding reasonably priced cord for the drawstrings was a challenge, but I used clothesline cord. Because the cord frayed when cut, I singed the ends to melt the polyester. Two packages of clothesline was just enough for 22 kit bags, pattern link below.

Sewing donation information and patterns can be found here.


  1. I'm sure these kits will be appreciated. It makes me realize how much we take for granted in this country.

  2. You always amaze me.....These are great.

  3. Thank you for all the goodness you spread throughout the world!!

  4. How cute is THAT idea??? Wonderful. You are a dear to donate.

  5. Thanks for the link to this wonderful charity!! You are amazing Nancy! You do so much for those in need and make me want to do more. I love the kit bags. They would be good for anything--like small knitting projects!


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