Christmas Traditions

For the Christmas Eve meal, my family always served Oyster Stew. I didn't care for the oysters when I was young, but I liked having a bowl without any oysters in it. Gradually, I came to love the oysters, too.

This photo from 1986 shows Paul, my brother-in-law, and John, my oldest brother, preparing the stew. John had the procedure down to a science. Notice the cards hanging above. Mom used to hang her cards on this opening and on the archway into the living room.

I still prepare and serve Oyster Stew for Christmas Eve. Does your family have a traditional meal on Christmas Eve?


  1. It used to be chicken and sausage gumbo, but tonight I'm going to serve chicken noodle soup, because it has less fat and is still tasty and satisfying.

  2. Ours used to be oyster stew also. But the last two years, including this one, we have gotten together with friends for chili. Merry Christmas!


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