Taste of Winter

Temperatures are starting to dip overnight into the sub-zero range, sometimes leaving works of art on the windows.

Disclaimer: Minus five is not really cold in this area. 

The air is clear and has a slight bite. Coats, hats, and gloves are necessities for me, but others dash about with none of the above. Experience has taught me that even a puff of wind can turn these temperatures drastically lower and even deadly in an instant. Winter weather is to be respected: I carry wool blankets, an extra coat, hat, gloves, shoes, socks, snacks, and a sleeping bag in the trunk of my car in the event that I get stranded on the road.

In this valley, the mountains hold the cold air, causing an inversion. Surrounding communities come out of these cold snaps faster, but temperatures here can be in the deep freeze for days on end. During those times, I welcome the wind because it blows the cold air out of the valley.


  1. I have never lived in an area that cold and would not have thought about having those extra things in my car but it is a smart thing to do...especially the sleeping bag.

  2. That sounds way too cold for me! It's probably a good thing I live in a warm climate.

    It's good to be prepared for an emergency. I even carry blankets in our car, though I doubt we will ever need them for protection from deadly cold weather.

  3. You are wise to be prepared. I hear it's coming our way in WNY. Stay warm Nancy.

  4. First off, that is WAY too cold for my liking!

    Second, that ice on the window is GORGEOUS!!! Wow!

  5. DH is getting the snowblower out. sigh And I'm one of those people who doesn't dress real warm, but I can tell you that my car is stocked to the gills in cold weather. Yes, sleeping bag, coats, gloves, blanket etc all in the car when I travel. I was even thinking of getting an emergency snow kit, the kind that has a tow rope!

  6. Well if you can stand it, I guess I can let my young adult son ride the MEgabus to Minnesota tomorrow in a snow storm......

    the wind blows here in Chicago all the cold winter long...it finds your onlywarmth and shakes it!

  7. I think you must have left the door open.

  8. Your Jack Frost art is so pretty! Reminds me of home in Colorado.


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