Road Trip Fun

Saturday, I joined three gals from my knitting group for a road trip. We jumped in Jane's new car and headed for the High Country (Dubois) to do some shopping and to eat lunch. I don't think I have laughed so much in a long, long time. The trip was a blast.

We wandered though all the shops and stopped in Absoroka gifts to pet the pelts (fox, coyote, bison, deer, elk, Highlander, etc) and sit in the handmade lodge pine chairs. Isn't that antler chandelier beautiful?

This beer wagon was parked in front of one shop, but sadly was not operational. The town is preparing for a festival next weekend. Jane, Nancy, and Trish took advantage of the opportunity to be photographed with a "King."

Trish even mugged for the camera!

In another shop, we discovered a great sale (25 - 60% off) on KEEN shoes. The saleswoman certainly knew how to get just the right size and fit. (I haven't seen one of these devices used in years!)

Everyone, but me, left the store with at least one pair of shoes.

Over a delicious lunch we discussed the latest Survivor series, with everyone sharing their impressions of Coach. After a shared dessert, we headed out for more adventures.

I cannot remember when I have enjoyed myself so much. I hope we have more road trips in the future.


  1. That's WONDERFUL that you had such a good weekend. We all need those once in a while to laugh and forget our troubles.

  2. That sounds like so much fun! I can only wish!

  3. I am so glad you had a great time! I need to go on a little road trip with friends this summer. I sure hope we can do it, because I love to just hang out and laugh with them!!

  4. Nancy...
    Looks like you Girls had fun..It is great to get out and laugh and talk:)) Glad you enjoyed it:))

  5. Oh, that sounds like such fun. I'm going to Mapquest to see where you went.

  6. Sure sounds like you girls had a great time... can't beat a girly shopping trip!


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