Prairie Museum of Art and History

button display
Prairie Museum of Art and History
Colby, Kansas
August 2015
Colby, Kansas has one of the most impressive museums that I've ever seen: the Prairie Museum of Art and History. We could have spent a day or more looking at the various exhibits in the 21,500 square foot building as well as the display buildings outside the main museum. The museum covers 24 acres, and the displays are varied and extensive.

Items inside the main building were displayed in glass cases, and under the cases were drawers with could be pulled out to reveal even more items related to that particular display. For example, the buttons shown in the photo were in the glass case, and beneath the case were ten or more wide and long drawers with buttons mounted on cards. There were similar displays for stamps, coins, tools, etc.

From the museum literature, we discovered that the items in the museum are the collection of Joe and Nellie Kuska. I took a lot of photos and will be posting them randomly.


  1. It sounds like an interesting place. I wonder where they kept all their collections before they opened a museum?

  2. OMG -- it looks like my grandmother's button containers.

  3. I love that you can touch the buttons. How fun! I may have to find that museum

  4. Thanks for the link. It seems to be a very interesting museum and one day I might have the chance to visit there. Who knows.

  5. I thought I had collected a lot of buttons over the years, but mine clearly don't come near museum quantity. Hanging out in a museum is one of my favorite ways to spend a day! I can't wait to see more pictures.

  6. Wow it sounds great! Lots of stuff to explore.

  7. Another good stop. Looks very interesting!


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