Sherry's Gift

Sherry's Gift
60 x 70 inches
Quilt of Valor #242

The blocks for this Quilt of Valor were made by Sherry G from NY state. I worked on this quilt sporadically from January to March. It's the second QOV I made using Sherry's blocks: the first one was Step Up.  Unfortunately, Step Up was lost by the USPS on its way back from the longarmer. Criss Cross Stars was also lost in that shipment. 


  1. Oh, no....that's my biggest fear. I've got sweaters I've knit and quilts I've made for Son in Michigan and as tempted as I've been to drop them in the mail I am afraid that might happen. I did mail the baby sampler I embroidered for the first Grand and it arrived safe and sound. I was lucky.
    The latest quilt is beautiful. Happy to see you back in business.

  2. I always worry about quilts in the mail. How sad to lose 2 of them. But this one is lovely. Great use of Sherry's gift of blocks. So good to know you have been able to get back to sewing. #242 - that is an amazing number!!

  3. I'd be so upset about losing not one, but TWO quilts. YIKES. The newest one is beautiful.

  4. How sad to lose two of the Quilts of Valor. How can so much get lost in the mail? I'm happy to see this quilt and know you're enjoying your machine again and sharing with al of us.

  5. That is a very pretty quilt! So sorry to hear that USPS lost the quilts...more than likely stolen:(

  6. Oh - that's so sad to hear the quilts were lost! That pattern is very cool!

  7. Oh no, quilts lost in the post, such a shame. Even if you can claim some compensation, it doesn't really make up for the loss.

  8. A lost package is nothing to the massive monster of USPS but it is huge for us! Sorry. This new top is so pretty-nice job!!

  9. I am so sorry all that hard work is missing, so sad and one hears about it to often. I really like this one you have put together! Thanks for your comment on my blog also.

  10. Oh no, all that work put into it only to have it lost. I am so sorry about that.


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