Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones
63 x 80 inches
Quilt of Valor #243

Stepping Stones put a dent in my 2.5 inch scrap bin, scraps from many previous Quilts of Valor. This quilt was finished in May and sent to a volunteer longarmer in Texas to be quilted. I received it back from the longarmer last week, and it will soon be on its way to a QOV leader for distribution. 

I used Melissa Corry's free pattern, Stepping Stones, that is on her website Happy Quilting


  1. Amazing what some little scraps can do to make such a cool quilt top!!! Beautiful! Nice to see you at work again!

  2. What an interesting pattern. It really makes a stunning quilt!

  3. That is such a simple idea, but makes a statement. Great job on this one, as always.

  4. Sue: So nice to see you blogging again.

  5. It's the perfect pattern for scraps, I like that. Very pretty quilt, the recipient will absolutely love it.

  6. That's a brilliant pattern for scraps! It's really lovely.

  7. Nice pattern great for using up scraps!

  8. It's so pretty and will make a veteran very happy. I can only imagine how much work it was sewing all of those tiny scraps. Thank you.


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