
Today may be the first day of Summer, but some of the denizens of Laramie (like this tree at a local business) aren’t quite sure. It’s been downright chilly here the last two days (highs reaching the low 60s and low 40s in the morning). Strong southeast winds seem to be blowing off of an iceberg. I’m back to wearing wool socks, long sleeves, and a jacket. 

Supposedly, temperatures will be in the mid-70s today and 80s over the weekend, but I’m not going to bet on it. Like the tree, I’m going to hedge my bets and be prepared for anything! 


  1. We are suffering under a mega heat wave here in Southern Ontario - and not enjoying it!

  2. Wool socks sound wonderful! It's so darn hot here. I can't for summer to be over and it just started.

  3. 40's seem hard to believe...but even though we are in a major heat wave, morning temps are in the mid 60's and we pretty much have a breeze. As soon as I get up I open the door to the patio and let in the fresh air!

  4. We have been cool and rainy. That is a sad looking tree:(

  5. Our friends in North Idaho tell of a hard freeze in the past week. Here it is a little cooler, upper 80's, than it has been but the humidity is awful. We leave on Monday, and I'm looking forward to cooler weather out west.

  6. We've had our first day of winter, today is sunny but chilly, 15c, about 60f

  7. I think the tree has the right idea--cool observation on your part!

  8. Wyoming is like that. I remember it well.


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