A Tisket, a Tasket . . .

. . . four quilt kits in baskets.

In an effort to bring the scrap bins under control. I’ve been preparing kits for Quilts of Valor. Now, when the urge to sew hits me, I can sit down and get busy. The larger pieces are scraps from backings of previous QOV. 


  1. Assembly line quilting! That should make things easier.

  2. You won't have to look far for a project!

  3. Nice idea - should make it easier!

  4. It's good to have the pieces cut and waiting.

  5. I do that too. If I don't I get frustrated by the prep and never get anything done.
    I was surprised to see the new Connecting Threads catalog had a whole spread on QOVs.

  6. Smart move!!!! Being organized does make it easier to get things done well!

  7. What a great plan. Being organized always makes me feel better and helps to get things done.


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